Oct 29 2008

Lightening Conductor Design – Connected to Earth!

lightening-conductor-north.jpg While the lightening Conductors have been fitted to the roof and the copper conductor put in place down the side of the house, they have not been connected to any earth rods. How many rods you need depends on the resitivity of the ground, which depends on whether it is sandy, clay or whatever. Our friendly Lightening Conductor designer suggested for our soil type we should have 3 earth rods on each side, 2 metres deep and connected across the top with a strip to which the copper conductor is connected with a soldered tag. Fortunately this summer has been miserable and incapable of getting things hot enough to create any thunder and lightening.

lightening-conductor-south.jpg The rods are reasonably easy to knock into the ground as around the house much of it has been disturbed to do the foundations so has not fully compacted yet since the backfill.

On the south side of the house we had put teram and pea shingle down where the decking will go so the conductor assembly will sit nicely under the deck


2 Responses to “Lightening Conductor Design – Connected to Earth!”

  1. shriya wrote

    January 29th, 2009 at 2:32 pm

    please show the images of lightening conductor

    You can see a pic of the conductors which we made from stainless steel on 21st May entry under “log house construction” category. Hope this helps

  2. DUNCAN wrote

    February 18th, 2009 at 2:34 pm

    Please can you send me a sketch of a typical lightening conductor for a thatch roof house with the specifications. I have a home out in the sticks and i need to construct my own.
    Thank you very much.
    Regards Duncan.

    Hi Duncan, the very helpful man I spoke to was Daniel Turner at http://www.braileys.co.uk He told us what to do and I got a local metal working guy to make a conductor to our own design. I am sure Daniel can point you in the right direction and answer any questions you may have, or undertake the work if you want someone to do it for you.
